Saturday, July 31, 2010

Busy Weekend So Far

Last night after work, I went to the Louisville Street Faire for a little while. I parked next to the Ginacci House, which for some reason is a historic building.

I also passed this house, which I like, but some people don't:

I saw

This morning, I went to the Farmers' Market, and once again it was sunny!

... except over the mountains:

I liked how the reflection of clouds made the windows of this building look transparent:

Then I went with Rich and Sara to the Dragonfly to drink some coffee and hear some acoustic jam session:

Next, I gave Sara and her cat, Karli, a ride for an anesthesia-free teeth cleaning (for Karli, not Sara):

Then it was off to the Rockies-Cubs game with John, a lifelong Cubs fan.

Denver on the way to our seats:

Carlos Gonzalez singling in the first inning:



It was a thrilling game, as Carlos Gonzalez hit a home run to break the tie in the bottom of the ninth, which also completed his hitting for the cycle. In all the excitement, my camera didn't focus very well for Gonzalez's trip around the bases:

Finally, on the way out, I took another picture of Denver.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I finally got a better picture of the spider living in my garage.

I'm still not sure what kind it is, though.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Various Things

Soon after I transplanted the plant in my office, Nick gave me a cutting of his jade plant, which I planted in the recently-vacated pot.

When I first planted it, the left-most leaf was resting on the top of the soil. Now it's about an inch above it!

This afternoon, I had a visitor outside my office window.

I haven't been able to figure out what kind of bird it is yet, but it might be a Swainson's Hawk.

And finally a picture I took on my way home tonight:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Trivia Recap

Last week, we came in second place at trivia, but our team picture didn't make it onto the trivia host's blog. But here were the standings:
Let’s check the numbers:

Tonight on Lifetime: From Jailbait to Jailbird: The Lindsay Lohan Story 77
Eurolunch 76
One Dave Down 75
Dukes of Valmont 74

This week, with the addition of Anne to our team, we came in first place!

Hopefully, they'll post our picture, so I can add it to this post...

UPDATE: They did, and here it is! From L to R, John, Jason, Anne, Tara, and me.

I look twice as big as everyone else...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend Recap

I did more of "the usual" this weekend, especially since I can't hike or anything while I'm resting my knee. I went to the farmers' market Saturday morning after meeting Rich and Sara for coffee at Vic's. It was another sunny day:

I rode my bike (for the first time in two weeks), and since the bike rack was full, we parked next to this bench:

When I parked my bike in the corner of my garage after the farmers' market, I noticed a spider that looked like a black widow, but without the red hourglass markings. It scurried away before I could take a clear picture, but here it is hiding:

I'll try to get a clearer picture of it some other time. It had the black body of a black widow, but beige markings on its abdomen. Maybe I can use Rebecca's guide to insects and spiders to help figure out what it is!

Finally, while waiting for the bus sometime last week, I noticed this sign, which I thought was kind of funny. The sidewalk isn't really closed -- it just ends!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Office Plant

I repotted my office plant today. It's the second time I've repotted it. Here it is, a Nephthytis, or Syngonium podophyllum (according to the plastic stick sign that came with it), in its second home, with its original home to the left:

And here it is in its new pot:

This web site calls the plant a "No-Worry Nephthytis", which is probably how it's been able to prosper under my care!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Downtown Louisville

I went downtown this morning to try out a new coffee shop and to browse the farmers' market.

Here is Bittersweet Cafe

where I was entertained by a book until Rich and Sara came:

Then we strolled up and down the farmers' market:

It got too hot, so we went home. It's supposed to reach 100 today! (I'm hoping for the 10% chance of rain)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Soul Sacrifice

I saw a Santana cover band, Soul Sacrifice, in the park this evening with Harald, Roya, Rich, and Sara.

Beginning of concert:

Near the end of the concert:

The moon:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunset and clouds

I went shopping with Sara for netbook minis after work. I plan on buying one for my trip to Europe.

On our way home, we drove past a nice-looking sunset, so we decided to stop and take pictures. You can see where we stopped on the map from my previous post: near the 'S' in 'MESA', close to the dotted line, there is a path.

First, a panorama:

A lot of clouds disappeared with the sun, which was kind of strange. Here are a series of pictures I took of the same cloud:

In the last picture, you can barely make out little pink clouds.

Longs Peak:

My favorite cloud of the evening:

And introducing Sara's new haircut:


And one of me that Sara took:

It almost looks like I'm standing in front of a mural or news weather screen in that thumbnail.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Testing my knee

I tweaked my knee moving heavy crates while unloading a truck from the field project. I tested it out by riding up (and down) hills on my bike. Today I went over Davidson Mesa (the imposing hill in Louisville between me and Boulder) a couple times.

Before I went down the other side (just before 2.5 miles), I took this picture: