Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I donated my hair to Locks of Love today.


Rebecca and Sara came along to watch the event. Here are some pictures of the process that Sara took. Rebecca may sometimes be seen in the mirror.


Friday, April 17, 2009

More snow

Winter isn't over yet! After getting almost no snow from early January to late March, I think this is the third significant snowfall in as many weeks. Here's a view out my guest bedroom window:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First bike ride of the year

I rode with Sara and Rich from Louisville to the Boulder Farmer's Market this morning, where we met up with friends of ours, Josh and James. I snacked on the vendors' offerings before settling on tamales for lunch. We had some chai at the Dushanbe Teahouse, then headed back home.

UPDATE: Josh (front left) took this picture of us at the Dushanbe Teahouse. Clockwise from him are Rich, Sara, James, and me.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I played badminton tonight with the Boulder Badminton Club. Ilana, my new office-mate (since January), is a member. I'd played a couple times before with my co-workers Joost, Julie, and Craig. It's a fun sport!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Google Maps

One day last fall, Harald and I were sitting outside of my favorite coffee shop in Boulder, Peaberry, when we saw a car with a set of cameras on top. We figured it was the google street view car, so I've been checking for us periodically since then. Today, I noticed we had made it on street view!

I am sitting with my back to the glass, wearing a white shirt. Harald is to my left; his silver Subaru Outback is in front of us.

We're pretty far away, but google tends to blur out people's faces (and license plates) anyway.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ann's birthday party

Last night, I went out with a group of people from work to celebrate Ann's birthday. We went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, followed by a trip to the Grizzly Rose, a cowboy bar in north Denver.

Here are pictures of our table, and of Ann and the Joe's Crab Shack staff: