Monday, August 8, 2011

The Past Two Weeks

Two weeks ago was somewhat cursed. Our (shorthanded) trivia team finished far out of first place,

and after riding my new bike for the first time (to downtown Louisville), I got a flat tire!

This past week was better. Our trivia team came in fourth place,

but it was still a little cursed, because we either misheard a question, or it was misread, and it ended up costing us third (maybe even second) place.

Friday night, I caught Choosing June playing behind the Bittersweet Coffee Shop.

Saturday morning, I met up with (at various times in the day) Andy, Rich, Sara, Josh, and Harald. I fed some birds

and Rich pointed out that the plant that was growing on the outside of the building is still growing on the inside!

I still haven't fixed my flat...

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