Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Remaining days in Kansas

During my last day off in Kansas, I went with Nick and Armin to Hutchinson to visit a salt mine.

An elevator took us 600 ft. below ground.  The salt layer is about 400 ft. thick, and stretches from Kansas City to southeastern New Mexico. 

The restroom:

Millions of years ago, this area was a shallow sea.  During dry years, the water would evaporate, leaving the salt behind.  During the wet years, there would be mud and silt.  Over time, these layers of salt and mud built up, leaving the horizontal pattern seen below.

Here I am back in Salina eating a Cozy Burger.  Wichita was where the first White Castle was located, and this restaurant started up during the slider craze of the 1930s.

During my last flight, we flew into a double rainbow.

This was the storm we were targeting:

By the end of my 4+ weeks in Kansas, I was ready to go home!

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