Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Fire

The good news is that the Fourmile Fire is almost fully contained now. Looking west from the north side of Davidson Mesa, you can see the charred northern side of Sugarloaf Mountain behind Boulder.

Sugarloaf Mountain doesn't have any trees growing on it, so the dark color is all from burnt grass.

A panorama of the Front Range north of Boulder shows the bad news:

A new fire has sprung up in the mountains west of Loveland.

It's ironic, because when I got back from California, I couldn't believe how wet and green the mountains were.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Jeff - remember my roommate/friend from college Jen? She can SEE that fire from her house in Loveland! (Actually see the flames.) Their newly built house is barely on the outside of the fire. Cross your fingers for her!