Sunday, July 27, 2008

South Arapaho Peak

As promised on Friday, I hiked up to South Arapaho Peak today, more or less along this route. I went with Ken and John from work. We saw some wildlife on the way up, including this pika

and many marmots.

From East of Boulder, South Arapahoe Peak doesn't look this intimidating:

But I made it anyway.

Here's what Google Earth says the picture above should look like -- not a bad rendition, Google Earth!

Here's a picture of where John and I were two weeks ago:

We hiked up from the lake to the right side of the ridge with the small oval of snow.

On my way down, I took this picture over the edge.

It's hard to tell, but the rocks in the top right hand corner were about 800 feet below my head.

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