Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Last few weeks

On October 23, I viewed the partial solar eclipse through specially made glasses.  It was awesome -- you could see the giant sunspot in the middle of the sun.  Unfortunately, my cell phone picture doesn't do the view justice:

For the Halloween party at work, I made cookies:

For some reason, I didn't take a picture after they came out of the oven!

Last Friday, Terri, Mike, and I went to the Nuggets-Cavaliers game.

A couple pictures shot with my cell phone of Kevin Love and Lebron James:

We had such good seats, I recorded the game to see if you could see us on tv.  You could!  Here I am in the bottom right of the screen adjusting my glasses:

Then here is Kevin Love, Wilson Chandler, Timofey Mozgov, and me:

Finally, here is one of Lebron James, along with Mike, Terri, and me:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Buena Vista

I took a Columbus Day holiday trip to Buena Vista this past weekend.  This was the view from my hotel's parking lot.

Unfortunately, it rained on Sunday, which was the only full day I was there.  So on that day, I went south to Great Sand Dunes National Park, where it wasn't raining (as much). 

I decided to climb High Dune.  This was the view from down below.

And this is a panorama from atop High Dune.  

Monday morning, I drove back to Boulder.  I liked this scenic view point showing the railroad through the valley.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

More wildlife at work

It appears the cold weather is driving the critters indoors at work.  Yesterday I was sitting at my computer when I noticed a spider crawling on my lap.  The leg span of the thing was about 2".  I looked down, saw it, then jumped up to brush it off me!

Today I was closing up the lab for the weekend when I saw something on the floor move.  It was a baby snake, which I scared into this resting spot:

I didn't see any rattles, but I still didn't want to get bitten, so I got the broom and swept it outside.  Here it is on the way down the hallway:

And here it is coiled up on the mat by the door before I swept it outside:

From what I can find online, this looks like a gopher snake or a bullsnake.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My new bike

New to me, at least. The frame is as old as I am!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Luckily I'm in Houston for work right now, so I'm not impacted very much by the flooding in Colorado. Here are some interesting video captures from this video.

Here's a picture of the Mariana Butte golf course my Dad and I played up up in Loveland before Terri's and Mike's wedding:

This is just upstream of where the wedding took place:

The wedding was about 1/8 mile south of here, right next to the river.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


My parents had to put their dog, Suzy, to sleep today.  She was just over 17 years old.

I remember playing with her as a puppy.  She liked to play tug of war with her rope while moving back and forth.  If you put your hand on the ground as a tummy-tickling obstacle, she'd jump over your hand while still holding the rope in her mouth! 

Suzy loved people.  I've never met a dog that felt as comfortable sitting with people as she did.  She also trusted she wouldn't be dropped, which allowed me to do Circle of Life jokes with her whenever I saw her!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from over the years:

Suzy in the kitchen (her favorite place!)

Me, Suzy, and Emy

Holding Tasha and Suzy at the dog grooming place

Jackson and Suzy at Christmas

Suzy after waking up from a nap

Suzy and Emy from Christmas 2012

Bye Suz.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


On Sunday, May 5th, I flew to Tampa to install my instrument on the P-3.

Here's a picture of MacDill AFB flying in.  The NOAA hangar is on the far right -- you can see one of the P-3's parked on the tarmac:

The first thing we did when we got there was go to Clearwater Beach.

The work week went smoothly.  Here is a picture of my instrument after I had installed it.  The complicated-looking inlet belongs to the other instrument in my rack.

This is the P-3 we are going to use:

I'll head back to Tampa the week of Memorial Day for test flights.  We are scheduled to transit to Tennessee on June 3rd.