Thursday, June 23, 2011

Middle of the Week Update

Tuesday morning, on my way into work, I caught the waning moon setting just above the Flatirons.

I also caught that magpie sitting on the light post!

Tuesday evening, Terri joined Tara, Cora, and me for trivia.

Unfortunately, we didn't do so well: 12th out of 37 teams.

This evening, I went to the park in Louisville for the first in the Concerts in the Park series. Laughing Hands was playing. There isn't a lot of information about them online, but apparently they released some albums in the '80s.

My allergies were acting up, so I stayed in the back (near the road). I ended up taking a lot of pictures of clouds, so here they are!

I liked this shadow (you can kind of see it in the picture above, as well):

If you look closely, you can see a plane flying in front of this cloud:

Here it is!

The sunset reminded me of a forest fire burning on the other side of these trees:

The concert was a good one -- they played a variety of string instruments with interesting sounds.

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