Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Akaroa, New Zealand

We drove up the east coast from Dunedin, and stopped along the way to see the Moeraki Boulders, some unusual, spherical boulders along the beach.

Then we drove to Akaroa, a former French colony east of Christchurch. Apparently the English started a colony only a year or two before this town was settled, otherwise New Zealand would have been a French territory.

We took the Summit Road for some views. I liked this peninsula in Akaroa Harbour.

On our way to Christchurch the next morning, my Mom was lamenting the fact that we still hadn't taken a picture of a black sheep in the fields with other sheep. Fifteen minutes later, we came across this flock full of black sheep!

My favorite animal in the flock was this piebald sheep:

By the time I took this last picture, all the sheep were running away from our car.

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