Most people leave the Longs Peak Ranger Station trail head around 3 am, but we left at 1:30 (we left Boulder at 12:15, I started gathering people living in Louisvile around 11:30, I slept from 5:15 to 7:15, and lay in bed from 9:30 to 10 earlier in the night). This was our approximate route.

I took this picture of Sara and Ed in the parking lot.

Unfortunately, Sara never wore this hat on the trail!
It was roughly 6.5 miles to the Keyhole (gmaps doesn't get all the twists and turns), which we did in about 4 hrs. and 15 min. I took this picture of the moon behind the Keyhole:

Then the sun rose (Mt. Lady Washington is in the foreground, with Venus above).

The wind was tremendous through the Keyhole. We waited for about an hour and a half for the weather to change, but with no luck. We turned back around 7:30 or 8. Here are Sara, Rich, Ed, and Debbie waiting for better weather below the Keyhole.

Before heading down, I fought the wind and went through the Keyhole to take these pictures. Here is Longs Peak and the continuation of the trail.

I think this is Chiefs Head Peak, directly across from the Keyhole:

On the way back, I took this picture of Longs Peak's daunting East Face.

This is the boulder field you must hike through just before the Keyhole.

We saw elk on the way down.

Here are Mt. Meeker and Longs Peak together, with the slope of Mt. Lady Washington just visible on the right.

Overall, it was a fun day. Hiking with a bright moon was cool; we didn't need headlamps once we got above treeline. Maybe next year we'll try again ... this time with Rebecca!
AUG 8 UPDATE: I like this picture of the Keyhole that Rich took from somewhere down in the boulder field.

The numbers of hikers with their LED headlamps on at full brighness (and white, instead of red) were amazing to me. It's like they didn't realize that the moon was up.
Yes, and we suffered from temporary blindness every time we passed them!
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