Sunday, February 10, 2013

Trivia success

We've come in first in trivia two of the last three weeks.

I think it has something to do with fewer questions aimed at children of the 1990s.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I got the sad news over the weekend that my parents had to put their dog, Emy, to sleep.  Emy was so named because they got her when they were visiting Atlanta for my graduation from Emory.  Here are some of my favorite pictures of her:

We went on many long walks with Emy.  She always liked it when I sprinted for home, even though she had no problems keeping up!  She also helped my train for the Bolder Boulder when I ran it a few years ago.  She was diagnosed with cancer last August, but luckily I was able to see her over Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Bye Emser!