Monday, October 1, 2012


Yesterday when I blogged, I looked at the Wikipedia page for praying mantises.  I saw that the ootheca, or egg case, looked familiar.  I had seen a similar looking thing on the stucco while taking pictures of the praying mantis.

Here is what's on my wall:

This also blends in well with its surroundings.  Here it is from farther away (in the center of the picture):

Wikipedia says that praying mantis oothecae are laid in the fall, and hatch in the late spring.  They are valuable for organic farmers, because all the newly hatched babies have ravenous appetites for aphids and other pests.  [I originally typed 'oothecas', but the spellchecker complained.  I looked up the proper plural on  Once I had the correct plural, the spellchecker still complained; it turns out, it thought I was typing 'toothache'.]

While I'm on the subject of bugs, I saw this spider in my basement tonight.

It looks like it could be the offspring of the one that was living in my garage two years ago!