Sunday, September 30, 2012

Praying Mantis

I saw this brown praying mantis in front of my townhouse today:

I'm not sure how I spotted it, because when I first noticed it, it blended in well with its surroundings!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I was watching the beginning of The Eiger Sanction with Clint Eastwood, which came out in 1975.  The opening scene took place in Zurich.  I thought the scene looked familiar (and not because I'd seen the movie before).

Here's the scene from the movie:

and here's a picture I took two years ago:

The Swiss flag looks like it's still in the same place, and that weird tree that looks like it's missing its top-left portion looks exactly the same -- 35 years later!

In other news, I thought this Big K soda was expensive!

Friday, September 28, 2012

First snow in the mountains

It was rainy and cool from Tuesday through Thursday.  When the clouds cleared, they revealed snow up in the mountains.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The last two months

It's been awhile since my last blog!

Back in July (when it was still hot), this bunny seemed content lying in the shade:

In August, Terri came to visit.  We spent some time up at Horsetooth Reservoir.

The water level was so low, the boat ramp didn't even reach all the way to the water!

On August 25th, the USA Pro Challenge came to Boulder.  That's the bike race I volunteered for last year.  This year, Harald and I first went up to Peak to Peak highway to watch the race go by.

Then we drove down Left Hand Canyon and watched the race up Lee Hill.  We barely made it on TV.  Watch closely as they go from the leader graphic back to live action -- that's me in the white shirt, and Harald in the orange hat!

Here is a freeze frame from my TV:

I was busy taking what turned out to be a lousy picture:

But I was ready for the peloton as they came by!

On Labor Day, Harald, Tara, and I went for a hike to Arapahoe Pass.  This is Caribou Lake as you look down from the pass:

Unlike the last time I was there, this time there was no snow, so we were able to hike over to the pass in the middle left of the above picture.  From there, we could see some mountains to the west.

Zooming in and examining Google Earth, I discovered that the two tallest peaks on the horizon were Mt. Powell and Eagles Nest, two mountains north of Vail.

Heading back to Arapahoe Pass, we had a nice view of Apache (left) and Navajo (right) peaks: