Henry Fowler was the Secretary of the Treasury from 1965-1968!
I took a hearing "baseline" test at work, which pretty much told me what I already knew: I have some hearing loss:

Last week, (L to R) Tara, Greg, Tara, me, and Trevor did so-so at trivia.

That same night, it snowed (which I already blogged about).
Since Cora couldn't make it that night, I went with her and Trevor to trivia the following night, as well!

All that trivia appears to have paid off, because this week, we won!

This time, it was (L to R) Tara, Trevor, Cora, me, and Anne.
In almost an exact replay of the previous week, it snowed again (!) Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Wednesday was cloudy and cold, and I didn't take any pictures. This morning, I did. All around NOAA the snow had what looked like hoar frost on it. According to Wikipedia, this is called surface hoar frost.

Green Mountain and the flatirons looked cool, as they usually do after it snows:

Finally, the steam coming from the building was so thick it cast a strong shadow!