Since we didn't place last week in trivia, I didn't do my usual trivia update blog. So now I have two weeks worth of pictures to get caught up on! I'll choose an autumn theme, although it still feels like summer hasn't quite gone away most days.
I'll start with the holiday weekend (Columbus Day). I had coffee

at an unusual place. It was a store that specialized in both coffee and bicycles!

One night last week got a little cold, and there was frost the next morning on Bear Peak:

On Saturday, it was perfect weather yet again at the Farmers' Market (the last one of the year, unfortunately). I ate and read a little before Sara and Rich joined me.

Afterward, we swung by the grand re-opening of the Louisville Fire Station.

On my walk back home, I realized that the ladder truck could probably reach the top floor of any building in Louisville.

Before I got home, I took this picture of the fall colors surrounding a bike path.

Sunday, I went with Rich and Sara on a hike to Royal Arch. We started at Chautauqua Park.

We passed under the third Flatiron, where I took a picture of some climbers.

The air was clean, so the views were good from Royal Arch. South Boulder Road heading to Louisville:

The third Flatiron:

Beneath Royal Arch:

On the way back, we saw a black squirrel, which looked almost like a rabbit, it had so much hair on its ears.

We made it back to the car just as the clouds were rolling in.

Today it was cool, but the next few days should be sunny!
UPDATE: Here are a couple of pictures of Sara and me that Rich took.